St Marys News - Vestry Meeting
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Results of the annual vestry meeting held in connection with St Mary Magdalene C of E. Names of those appointed to the various positions - Peoples' Warden, Minister's Warden, Parochial Council, Sidesmen, Secretary and Treasurer, and Auditor.
Nepean Times 23 April 1898 page 6
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 23 April 1898, page 6
St Mary Magdalene Church of England - Church Wardens - Parochial Councillors - J K Lethbridge - G Turner - W J B Neale - J Allen - H Wake - J Gow - Rev A C Corlette - J S Smith - J H Sainsbury - J H Beacroft - E J Robbins - O J Nicole - J C Stevens
Nepean Times (Microfilm)