Penrith Council
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At Penrith Council meeting, a letter was received from Mr F Walker (ex-President of the NSW Historical Society) stating that the first centenary of the turning of the first sod of the Great Western Road would occur this year, and Council might like to celebrate with some memorable events, such as the erection of a memorial. He further suggested that Wm Freame might be consulted. An extract of Mr Cox's journal was included with the letter. It was decided to call a public meeting to consider the proposed centenary celebrations. With regard to the Woodriff land previously before Council, it was suggested the surveyors should meet to try and settle the matter.
Nepean Times 16 May 1914 page 3
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 16 May 1914, page 3
Penrith Municipal Council - NSW Historical Society - Penrith Memorials - Centenary Celebration Events - Public Meetings - Woodriff Land Dispute - Corner High and Woodriff Streets -
Nepean Times (Microfilm)