Local and General - A Wesleyan Christian Endeavour
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At a Penrith Wesleyan Christian Endeavour meeting, Harold Price gave an interesting lecture on his trip to the C E Convention in Hobart. Commencing from Penrith, the lecturer traced his movements from the wharf at Sydney, on board the ship and finally at his destination in Hobart. Phrases such as 'a glorious time' - 'hospitality shown to all' - 'exceptional spiritual character' - 'curses of drink, gambling and impurity' appear in this paragraph.
Nepean Times 20 November 1897 page 4
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 20 November 1897, page 4
Church Groups - Wesleyan Church - Christian Societies - Christian Values 1897 - Harold Price - Rev J Tarn - Lectures
Nepean Times (Microfilm)