Orange Demonstration
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A commemoration service in conection with Bismarck, No 73 L O L., was held in the Temperance Hall, Penrith. The hall was crowded to excess, many standing outside the doors. The platform was filled with members of the Lodge in full regalia, including members of the Lodge's hierarchy. E Orth presided at the organ, and there was a good choir. A full account of almost two columns.
Nepean Times 22 July 1899 page 8
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 22 July 1899, page 8
Lodges - Commemoration Services - Orangemen - Battle of the Boyne - Religions - Catholic Church - Convent Schools - Protestants - J A Waddell - Bigotry - S J Hamblin - Rev E Hargraves - Hargrave
Nepean Times (Microfilm)