Here and There (By 'Japonica')
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In this contribution, Japonica uses his colourful language to comment on an item of local interest - the 'wretchedly bad' state of Bringelly Road. Referred to as 'the muddy way to Luddenham' and a 'disgrace to both Penrith and Mulgoa Councils', he states that it is 'a presumption on Council's part to assess any man's property, and ask him to pay rates, until it puts the road in such repair as to be ordinarily passable - for a bullock dray at least'. 'Nothing so wears out the poor beasts of burden, and vehicles, and dulls the hearts of men, as bad roads'.
Nepean Times 29 July 1899 page 2
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 29 July 1899, page 2
Bringelly Roads - Roadworks - Road Transport 1899 - Penrith Council - Mulgoa Council
Nepean Times (Microfilm)