In the Seventies - Penrith Municipal Council
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At a meeting of Council on 29th April 1875, Ald Worboys asked if any steps had been taken to supply the town with water. The tender of William Coffey and Samuel Nelson was accepted for a bridge in Evan Street for 18 pounds, in North Street for 12 pound 10/-. On 27th May Messrs Warbuton, Squires, Nelan and Mrs Walsh asked for repairs to River Lane to be extended to the Penrith end. Motions to pay half the expense of curbing and guttering Station Street and to ask the Government to hand over Bringelly Road were lost. On 10th June appeals agaainst valuers assessments from Kellett, Cleeve and Lethbridge were read and withdrawn, one from G B Besley was too late.
Nepean Times 13 January 1912 page 3
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 13 January 1912, page 3
Penrith Council Minutes 1875 - Penrith Council History
Nepean Times (Microfilm)