St Marys
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St Marys news, including concerts and services held by the Anglican Church; War Chest Concert;The heroic dead, about St Marys soldiers who died in WW1;An accident involving Henry Mallard (an employee of Mr Jones Tannery), who sustained a painful injury to his leg, and details of a Band of Hope Concert.
Nepean Times 27 October 1917
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 27 October, 1917
Private O W Baker - Private Cecil Mallard - Lance Corporal W. Perry - Private W Andrews - World War One - Military Deaths - Armed Services - War Chest Day - Thomas - Ford - Hope - Private Joseph Chant - Corporal Tom Haining - James Perry - John Mallard - Charles Chant - Accidents - Henry Mallard - Doctor Day - Band of Hope - V Thomas - Flo Veness - Elva Thomas - Myra Cullen - Louise Stonestreet - Reverend G Milne - Daisy Viney - Vera Turner - Mary Turner - Kathleen Cook - Melva Moore - Cora Ezzy - Tom Hope
Nepean Times (Microfilm)