Obituary - Mr E V McDonald
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A short obituary for Mr Edward Vincent (Ted) McDonald, who died on 13 July at his home at 86 Derby Street, Penrith. The late Ted McDonald, JP, ex 2nd AIF and Council Overseer, played a prominent part in the social sporting and political activities of the City of Penrith and district. He was an official of the local branch of the ALP, a member of St Marys Bowling Club, and an active worker in the interests of the Pernith Show Society.
Penrith Press 7 August 1963 page 8
Penrith Press (microfilm) Penrith Press, 7 August 1963, page 8
Deaths - Ted McDonald - Edward McDonald - Mrs Gwen McDonald - Arthur Pinson - Warragamba Masonic Lodge - Reverend Harold Rawson - St Stephen's Church of England
Penrith Press (Microfilm)