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St Marys - Social

An invitation social, initiated by Mr Almond, was held in the Protestant Hall, St Marys, and was a brilliant success - thirty couples took part, the lately-renovated hall was nicely decorated, music was supplied by Messrs Nagell and Hill, and supper was served in a marquee erected for the purpose. Names of some ladies present.
Main title:
Nepean Times 16 September 1899 page 6
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 16 September 1899, page 6
Social Life 1899 - Entertainment 1899 - Almond - Dance Bands - Nagell and Hill - Mrs J Stevens - Percy Herford - Miss Herford - Miss Corry - Rose Corry - Miss Thompson - Bella Thompson - Miss Hackett - Miss Neale - Miss L Neale - Miss Stevens - Miss E Stevens - Miss L Stevens - Mrs Bennett - Miss Bennett - Miss B Farrell - Miss Charker - Ethel Charker - Mrs Beacroft - Mrs Woods - Miss Haining - Vera Garner - Dora Garner - Mrs Francis - Miss Morrison
Dewey class:
Nepean Times (Microfilm)
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