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St Marys - Conversazione

One of those social gatherings, for which St Marys is noted, took place at Protestant Hall, object being to raise funds for church purposes. Percy Herford arranged musical part of the evening, which consisted of piano and violin solos, songs, vocal duets, a splendid rendition of a dramatic sketch full of fire and pathos performed by Miss Addison, Indian club-swinging, and an operatic selection from Mrs G T Bennett. Refreshments provided by a committee of ladies, and Rev Dixon Hudson occupied chair. Attendance was large - only standing room available. Between concert items, Rev Greenwood delivered an address on parochial schools, in which he spoke on necessity of inculcating moral and religious teaching. He referred to Australians 'inordinate love of sport', and said 'they should think more of their people than making good cricketers of them'. Other interesting observations made.
Nepean Times 16 September 1899 page 6
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 16 September 1899, page 6
Church Fund-raising - Socials - Conversaziones - Children's Education 1899 - Parochial Schools - Convent Schools - Public Schools - Religious Education in Schools 1899 - Moral Education in Schools - Percy Herford - Rev Dixon Hudson - Rev Alex Smith - Rev W Greenwood - Bethany Directors - Miss Bennett - Miss Charker - Miss Thorndike - W Cook - E White - Miss Hackett - Miss Wake - Mrs G T Bennett - Stella Bennett - O J Nicole - Halwyn Price - MIss Garner - J Almond - Miss Addison - Vera Kay
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Nepean Times (Microfilm)
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