The Nepean Times Editorial - Farmers and Settlers' Association
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Editorial comments on the establishment of an association (proposed by E G Cooper), which will be of benefit to the farmers of the district. Unlike other attempts, which have gone before, this one bids fair to be successful, for it embraces a much larger area. Our editor respectfully urges farmers of the absolute necessity of co-operation, if not for the purpose of keeping up prices, then for their own protection.
Nepean Times 30 September 1899 page 4
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 30 September 1899, page 4
Editorials - Nepean Times Editorials - Farmers and Settlers' Association - Defunct Associations - Fruit Growers Associations - Nepean Dairy Company - Farmers and Dairymen Association - 'Old-Timer' Farmers - Science in Farming - Food Producers
Nepean Times (Microfilm)