Paley-Phillips, Giles2016
Books, Manuscripts
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Superchimp is the hero of the rainforest. He spends his days rescuing baby parrots from trees and hippos who are stuck in the mud. No job is too big or too small for Superchimp. He even wears a cool cape, and rides around in a chimpmobile. But despite his bravery, even Superchimp gets scared sometimes, although the person he is most afraid of is not as terrifying as you might think. When Mum bellows at Superchimp to tell him it's time to come home, he obediently obeys. It seems Superchimp can be a superhero just as long as he doesn't upset his Mum, and is home in time for tea, which is a lesson any child should know.
Superchimp / Giles Paley-Phillips ; illustrated by Karl Newson.
Paley-Phillips, Giles, authorNewson, Karl, illustrator
London : QED Publishing, 2016.2016.
32 unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 26 cm.
Includes supporting notes for parents and teachers.
9781784936563 (hardback)