Statement of environmental effects to accompany the submission of a development application for bulk earthworks : part Lots 5 in the plan of subdivision 91, 92 and 93 DP 838541, 562 - 568 Mamre Road Erskine Park
HLA-Environsciences Pty Ltd2004
Books, Manuscripts
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Site assessment for commercial and industrial development
Statement of environmental effects to accompany the submission of a development application for bulk earthworks : part Lots 5 in the plan of subdivision 91, 92 and 93 DP 838541, 562 - 568 Mamre Road Erskine Park / by HLA-Environsciences Pty Ltd for CGP Management Pty Ltd
Pymble NSW HLA-Environsciences Pty Ltd June 2004
various pagination colour and black and white aerial photographs
Appendix 1: Phase 1 environmental site assessment - Appendix 2: Report on geotechnical investigation - Appendix 3: Report on salinity assessment - Appendix 4: Geomorphic assessment - Appendix 5: Bushfire risk management plan - Appendix 6: Non-indigenous heritage assessment - Appendix 7: Archaeological subsurface testing program
Industrial areas -- Erskine Park (NSW) -- PlanningIndustrial areas -- Erskine Park (NSW) -- Environmental aspectsLand use -- Erskine Park (NSW) -- Environmental aspectsLand use -- Erskine Park (NSW) -- PlanningErskine Park (NSW) -- MapsErskine Park Estate (NSW) -- ESA (Environmental Site Assessment)
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Local Book | 627.152 ERS | Not for loan (Set: 10 Feb 2016) |