Implementing the Principles of Multiculturalism locally : a planning framework for councils
Community Relations Commission for a Multicultural NSW2006
Books, Manuscripts
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It includes actions separated into the 5 key activity areas of the local council multicultural planning framework, ie. Planning and evaluation program and service delivery staffing connunication and funded services.
Implementing the Principles of Multiculturalism locally : a planning framework for councils / by Community Relations Commission for a Multicultural NSW
Sydney Community Relations Commission for a Multicultural NSW 2006
62 pages illustrations
Rationale and aim - What are the principles of multiculturalism? - Role of NSW councils in integrating multicultural strategies within council planning and reporting processes - Case studies - Pilot methodology - Metropolitan councils - Regional council - Rural council - Best practice examples form local government - Useful resources and publications - Local councils multicultural planning guide - Local councils multicultural planning framework
305.8 IMP