Employment lands strategy: draft
Penrith (N.S.W.). Council
Books, Manuscripts
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The draft employment lands strategy aims to build on the strengths that exist in Penrith's diverse employment lands and maximise the employment and economic opportunities offered by the devlopment of the Western Sydney Airport and associated investment.
Employment lands strategy: draft / Penrith Council, City Strategy
Penrith NSW : Penrith City Council, June 2021
65 pages : photographs, charts, maps
Bibliography: page 65
Statement of recognition - A City-Wide strategy - Executive summary - Introduction - Strategic content - Employment land use zoning and supply - Economic value - Market trends - Future jobs and land supply - Challenges for growth - Maximising our opportunities - Strategic directions and actions - Draft employment lands strategy - summary of actions - Next steps.
Penrith City Council -- Strategic planningEmployment -- Penrith Region (NSW) -- StatisticsIndustrial areas and employment -- Penrith Region (NSW) -- PlanningLabour market -- Penrith local government area (N.S.W.) -- StatisticsPenrith Region (NSW) -- Economic conditions -- StatisticsWestern Sydney Airport (NSW)Zoning (Town planning) -- Penrith Region
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Local Book | 338.9944 EMP | DraftNot for loan (Set: 07 Dec 2021) |