Site planning in Australia : Strategies for energy efficient residential Planning
King, S.Australia. Department of Primary Industries and EnergyUUUU
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Represents a second edition of the original Energy Efficient Site Planning Handbook, which was reviewed and updated as a result of the increase in importance of concepts such as The Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming and Ecologically Sustainable Development.
Site planning in Australia : Strategies for energy efficient residential Planning / by S King, D Rudder, D Prasad, J Ballinger and Department of Primary Industries and Energy
Canberra : Australian Government Publishing Service, 1996
190 pages : illustrations
Roger Nethercote CollectionAn initiative of the National Energy Efficiency Program , Department of Primary Industries and Energy.
Factors influencing urban sprawl - Environmental impacts of urban growth - Environmental effects of urban sprawl: Identifying the problems - Greenfields and broadacre subdivision strategies - Urban consolidation strategies - Climate responsive housing design - Solar access - Wind and ventilation