People places : a guide for public library buildings in New South Wales
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Reflects significant changes in public library design and services over the past seven years.
People places : a guide for public library buildings in New South Wales / by Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp for the State Library of NSW
Sydney State Library of NSW June 2012
113 pages colour illustrations
Needs: Planning for your community - Current trends in public libraries: An essential resource for the community - Project establishment: Starting your library project - Planning: Upfront planning is the key - choosing a site for a public library - Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) - Risk and opportunity in design - New building or refurbishment - Schule of public library functional areas - developing a brief - Selecting the architect, project manager and other consultants - Understanding the building design and construction phases - Key design issues: Upfront key design factors for public libraries - Post occupancy
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