Shaping our cities : the planning strategy for the greater metropolitan region of Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong and the Central Coast
New South Wales. Department of Urban Affairs and Planning1998
Books, Manuscripts
Shaping our cities is a timely response to the opportunities and challenges arising out of the region's continuing economic and population growth. Central to its aims is the way we provide for homes, work and travel to improve the built and natural enviro
Shaping our cities : the planning strategy for the greater metropolitan region of Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong and the Central Coast / by Department of Urban Affairs and Planning
Sydney Dept. of Urban Affairs and Planning 1998
30 p. colour illustrations colour maps
A new metropolitan strategy - Planning for a greater future - Aims and key principles - Built surrounds and natural heritage - Housing location and choice - Job and business opportunities - Urban structure and access - Leadership and partnership - Local councils
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