Report to the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Trust : Review and development of CMC projects 1996:'Champions of the river, custodians of hope'; A participatory evaluation of the Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Committees and their strategic directions
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The purpose of this document is to draw together the diversity of operations towards a collective effort which will be the basis of collaboration with the Trust. It is part of an ongoing discussion between the Trust and the Committees.
CultureShift 1996
62 p.
Introduction - Executive summary - Methodology - History of the project - The evaluation program - Realised actions - Categories of projects evaluated - Project evaluation - Operational values - Strategic partnerships - Invested interests - Constraints and opportunities - Reviewed roles and purposes - Strategic futures - Summary of thematic futures - Integrating demands with resources - Collaborative futures - The potential collaboration between the Trust and the CMC's - Appendices - Workshop summaries - Early descriptions of catchment management as a reference for learning - Essential elements of 'Real' collaboration
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Research | Local Book | 333.9162 REP | Not for loan (Set: 24 May 2018) |