Opening ceremony : Penrith City Council Chambers [Civic Centre] and Central Library
Better Than Average Productions1994
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Footage of the official opening ceremony, 28 May 1994. Architect: Feiko Bouman; builders: John Holland Constructons. The Civic Centre and Library was the largest civic project ever undertaken by Council costing $32 million.
Opening ceremony : Penrith City Council Chambers [Civic Centre] and Central Library / by Better Than Average Productions
Sydney Better Than Average Productions May 1994
1 dvd disc 1 hr 12 mins
Reformatted from VHS video to DVD
Official ceremony - historic photographs - History of Penrith Council - RAAF Barracks purchased in 1984 - Opening by Rear Admiral Peter Sinclair, Governor of NSW - Aboriginal welcome - National Anthem sung by Angela Marchant - speakers included Barry Long (General Manager), Mayor Diane Beamer, Faye Lo Po (Member for Penrith), Ross Free (Member for Chifley), Deputy Mayor Kevin Dwyer. Interviews afterwards with Governor Sinclair, Feiko Bouman, Ron Mulock, John Hollier, Valda Silvy, Barry Long (refers to Penrith as an Olympic City), Faye Lo Po, Malcolm Borland, Diane Beamer.
725.1 OPE