Turning 21
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Jamison High School will come of age this year and will celebrate accordingly with two functions - Former students and staff have been invited to wander down memory lane from 11.30am to 4pm on Saturday May 18 when the school will be open to old Jamisonians - A 21st birthday party will be held in the auditorium at 7pm and the school band, featuring the school band, featuring past and present students will entertain with a DJ - Tickets: $40 - Phone the school on 4731 6150, fax on 4721 2502 or email at jamisonh.school@det.nsw.edu.au for more details.
Penrith Press, 19 March 2002, page 17.
Penrith Press (microfilm) Penrith Press, 19 March 2002, page 17.
Newspaper Index, article
Penrith Press (Microfilm)