Penrith Municipal Council
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Report on ordinary monthly meeting. Numerous items of correspondence mainly related to the need for roadworks, drainage and electricity supply. One item from Richmond Council queried the willingness of Penrith Council to meet with representatives of adjoining municipalities to consider the matter of establishing abattoirs on Penrith Common. Another from Lands Department re a site for a public cemetery. The various reports submitted commented on the state of dairies, piggeries, sanitation, drainage. There was one application for a dairy license, and two licenses were cancelled through failure to comply with the Act. The financial report was submitted, and at the outset of the meeting the Mayor gave a statement of accounts since he took office. Details not printed here.
Nepean Times 12 August 1899 page 2
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 12 August 1899, page 2
Penrith Mayors - M Long - Penrith Aldermen - L Litton - W Dukes - J W Dunkley - E Haynes - T R Smith - James Ewan - Glenleigh - P J Quinn - Wallace - Lemongrove - Richmond Council - Abattoirs - Penrith Common - Dr Ashburton Thompson - Hon Sydney Smith - F Horstman - Alfred Giles - W G Fowler - L Vine - H Field - Salvation Army Captain C W Russell - Public Cemeteries - James Jardine - W Carruthers - T J Loder - Nagell - C Pascoe - L Molloy - E Bissland - E Strickland - W Fuller - W R Jeffery - Dairying Licences - Municipal Association - Fire Brigades Board - Penrith Council Finances
Nepean Times (Microfilm)