Beyond the Veil - Mrs Elila Nash
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Further information on Mrs Nash whose death was reported last week. Mrs Nash loved her home and children so much she did not have time to mix in public matters. She was an ideal wife and mother, and dispensed charity with a liberal hand, but few knew the extent of her givings. She was a great sufferer the last years of her life, but only complained when in delirium. Her daughter Mrs Evans was with her when she died. She wa born at Richmond and married Mr Nash 55 years ago. Her brother was the late Edward Thompson. Her father died during the time the family resided at Railway House. After he died in June 1899, John Nash carried on the business under the old name. Further information on Mr Nash is also given in this article.
Nepean Times 21 November 1908 page 6
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 21 November 1908, page 6
Deaths - John Nash - Elila Nash - Railway House - Hotels - Jesse Ireland
Nepean Times (Microfilm)