Ready! Set! Go! : One year to go, it's time for action on housing and homelessness for the 2000 Olympics: A report to the NSW State Government
Shelter N.S.W. Co-operative1999
Books, Manuscripts
Presents Shelter's view on the last chance to address the impacts of the Olympics on housing and homelessness. Looks at previous reports, focuses on predicted impacts and revisits recommendations for action.
Main title:
Sydney Shelter NSW 1999
100 pages
Assessing and managing the impacts: The story so far -- Sydney's Olympic bid and social impact assessment -- Shelter NSW's Olympics and Housing report -- The Olympic housing reference group -- The preliminary social impact assessment -- The housing policy green paper -- The social impacts advisory committee -- NSW Department of Fair Trading's 2000 Olympics and the residential tenancy market report -- Summary of State government response: lost opportunities -- Conclusion on the impact management story to date: The score card -- Impacts on housing and the homeless: Time for action -- From assessing the impacts to managing the impacts -- Dealing with uncertainty: The precautionary principle -- Comparative method: Tales of other cities -- Identification of the major issues for Sydney: Scoping -- Major issue 1: The homeless -- Major issue 2: Tenants -- Major issue 3: Boarders and lodgers -- Major issue 4: Caravan park residents -- Major issue 5: Collaboration and integration of response across Government -- Social guidelines for the International Olympic Committee
Dewey class:
362.592 REA
Local class:
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Tech Book | 362.592 REA | Available |