Reading critical : Developing readers in Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne 11-12 April 2008: Conference proceedings
Bundy, Alan2008
Books, Manuscripts
Reading Critical aimed to be informative and seminal in bringing to the fore reader development in Australia and New Zealand public libraries, and in profiling the partnerships required between them and other agencies to bring reading to the heart of connected communities
Main title:
Adelaide : Auslib Press, 2008
194 pages illustrations
Conference recommendations -- Welcoming address / Anne-Marie Schwirtlich -- The reader at the centre: the Essex experience / Jane Turner -- Reader development through embracing and working with writers festivals / Rosemary Cameron -- Working with local writers in North West England / Jane Mathieson -- Reading partners : how libraries and publishers can enthuse readers together / Tom Palmer -- Promoting reader development : a publisher's perspective / Del Robinson -- Adult summer reading programs to readers advisory 2.0 / Ellen Forsyth -- Reader development : making it work in inner Melbourne / Shirley Prescott -- The right to read : reader development for the vision impaired / Rachel Johnson and Siobhan Dennis -- Library visual marketing : it's importance for reader access and development / Kevin Hennah -- The Big Book Club Inc : promoting and facilitating reading and literacy / Sussan Hill -- Readers for life : the development, implementation and future of a reader development strategy for 22 library services in North West England / Jane Mathieson -- Reader development in New Zealand public libraries / Vicki Darling -- Bringing it all together : Salisbury reads / Bernice McSwain -- Reading the game : using sport to encourage boys and men to read more / Tom Palmer -- Bibliotherapy for health and well being : an effective investment / June Turner -- Book groups and reader development : library promotion and social inclusion / Fran Inkster -- Reading rewards : the evolution and assessment of a train the trainer course for public library reader advisers / Sherrey Quinn -- Best Sellers: Manukau Libraries train the trainer readers advisory program / Paul Brown -- Digital books : past, present and future / Christine Mackenzie -- Reading across the continuum / Paula Kelly Panel sessions.
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