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List view record 11: Autism spectrum disorder and de-escalation strategies : a practical guide to positive behavioural interventions for children and young people
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Autism spectrum disorder and de-escalation strategies : a practical guide to positive behavioural interventions for children and young people
Brown, Steve, 1970-
Books, Manuscripts
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List view record 12: The autism puzzle : connecting the dots between environmental toxins and rising autism rates
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The autism puzzle : connecting the dots between environmental toxins and rising autism rates
Belli, Brita
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The Autism Puzzle is the first book to address the compelling evidence that it is the pairing of environmental exposures with genetic susceptibilities that may be driving the alarming rise in autism in recent years
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List view record 13: Asperger syndrome and young children : building skills for the real world
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Asperger syndrome and young children : building skills for the real world
Bolick, Teresa
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Offers a framework for understanding the strengths and challenges, passions and peeves of children with Asperger Syndrome. Examples and stories illustrate how suggestions can be implemented in the real world.
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List view record 14: Art therapy and learning disabilities : "don't guess my happiness"
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Art therapy and learning disabilities : "don't guess my happiness"
Books, Manuscripts
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List view record 15: Back off bully
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Back off bully
Dobson, Mark
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Offers practical strategies to help children and teenagers deal with bullies, and to resolve conflict without tears
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List view record 16: Babies with Down syndrome : a new parent's guide
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Babies with Down syndrome : a new parent's guide
Skallerup, Susan J.
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Covering the best practices for raising and caring for children with Down syndrome through age five, this book is invaluable to new parents who have welcomed a baby with Down syndrome into their lives
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List view record 17: The A-Z reference book of syndromes and inherited disorders
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The A-Z reference book of syndromes and inherited disorders
GIlbert, Patricia
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This book provides a practical reference for carers & those with a syndrome or inherited disorder. It describes the disorders & problems of both children & adults, considers the day-to-day management of conditions & is written in non-technical language
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List view record 18: Anger treatment for people with developmental disabilities : a theory, evidence, and manual based approach
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Anger treatment for people with developmental disabilities : a theory, evidence, and manual based approach
Taylor, John L.
Books, Manuscripts
Anger & aggression are prevalent problems among people with developmental disabilities, resulting in them being admitted to institutions & taking anti-psychotic medication. This text presents a manual-guided cognitive-behavioural anger treatment protocol
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List view record 19: Alphabet kids - from ADD to Zellweger syndrome : a guide to developmental, neurobiological and psychological disorders for parents and professionals
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Alphabet kids - from ADD to Zellweger syndrome : a guide to developmental, neurobiological and psychological disorders for parents and professionals
Woliver, Robbie
Books, Manuscripts
Helps sort through all the interconnected childhood developmental, neurobiological and psychological disorders and serve as a roadmap to help start the families journey for correct diagnoses, effective treatment and better understanding.
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List view record 20: Allergy-free cooking for kids : a guide to childhood food intolerance with 80 recipes
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Allergy-free cooking for kids : a guide to childhood food intolerance with 80 recipes
Savill, Antoinette
Books, Manuscripts
Countless children suffer from allergies & intolerance and this book helps you to arrange your child's diet to suit their needs. This book offers a selection of easy-to-prepare recipes designed especially for children's likes, palates, interests & needs
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List view record 11: Autism spectrum disorder and de-escalation strategies : a practical guide to positive behavioural interventions for children and young people
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Autism spectrum disorder an...
Brown, Steve, 1970-
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List view record 12: The autism puzzle : connecting the dots between environmental toxins and rising autism rates
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The autism puzzle : connect...
Belli, Brita
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List view record 13: Asperger syndrome and young children : building skills for the real world
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Asperger syndrome and young...
Bolick, Teresa
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List view record 14: Art therapy and learning disabilities : "don't guess my happiness"
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List view record 15: Back off bully
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Back off bully
Dobson, Mark
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List view record 16: Babies with Down syndrome : a new parent's guide
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Babies with Down syndrome :...
Skallerup, Susan J.
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List view record 17: The A-Z reference book of syndromes and inherited disorders
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The A-Z reference book of s...
GIlbert, Patricia
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List view record 18: Anger treatment for people with developmental disabilities : a theory, evidence, and manual based approach
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Anger treatment for people ...
Taylor, John L.
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List view record 19: Alphabet kids - from ADD to Zellweger syndrome : a guide to developmental, neurobiological and psychological disorders for parents and professionals
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Alphabet kids - from ADD to...
Woliver, Robbie
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List view record 20: Allergy-free cooking for kids : a guide to childhood food intolerance with 80 recipes
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Allergy-free cooking for ki...
Savill, Antoinette
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