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List view record 131: Self-regulation & mindfulness : over 82 exercises & worksheets for sensory processing disorder, ADHD & autism spectrum disorderList view anchor tag for record 131: Self-regulation & mindfulness : over 82 exercises & worksheets for sensory processing disorder, ADHD & autism spectrum disorder
Thumbnail for Self-regulation & mindfulness : over 82 exercises & worksheets for sensory processing disorder, ADHD & autism spectrum disorder
List view record 132: Sensory stimulation : sensory-focused activities for people with physical and multiple disabilitiesList view anchor tag for record 132: Sensory stimulation : sensory-focused activities for people with physical and multiple disabilities
Thumbnail for Sensory stimulation : sensory-focused activities for people with physical and multiple disabilities

Sensory stimulation : sensory-focused activities for people with physical and multiple disabilities

Fowler, Susan, 1960-2007aJKP resource materials
Books, Manuscripts
Review: "This photocopiable resource provides a step-by-step approach for carers and other professionals working with people with physical, multiple or complex disabilities to organising sensory-focused activities. It also presents information on sensory stimulation within a framework that embrac...
List view record 133: Sexuality : your sons and daughters with intellectual disabilitiesList view anchor tag for record 133: Sexuality : your sons and daughters with intellectual disabilities
List view record 134: Siblings : brothers and sisters of children with disabilityList view anchor tag for record 134: Siblings : brothers and sisters of children with disability
List view record 135: Sibshops : workshops for siblings of children with special needsList view anchor tag for record 135: Sibshops : workshops for siblings of children with special needs
List view record 136: Small steps forward : using games and activities to help your pre-school child with special needsList view anchor tag for record 136: Small steps forward : using games and activities to help your pre-school child with special needs
List view record 137: Social skill strategies : a social-emotional curriculum for adolescentsList view anchor tag for record 137: Social skill strategies : a social-emotional curriculum for adolescents
List view record 138: Somebody somewhere : breaking free from the world of autismList view anchor tag for record 138: Somebody somewhere : breaking free from the world of autism
List view record 139: Sound therapy : music to recharge your brainList view anchor tag for record 139: Sound therapy : music to recharge your brain
List view record 140: Speak, move, play and learn with children on the autism spectrum : activities to boost communication skills, sensory integration and coordination using simple ideas from speech and language pathology and occupational therapyList view anchor tag for record 140: Speak, move, play and learn with children on the autism spectrum : activities to boost communication skills, sensory integration and coordination using simple ideas from speech and language pathology and occupational therapy
Thumbnail for Speak, move, play and learn with children on the autism spectrum : activities to boost communication skills, sensory integration and coordination using simple ideas from speech and language pathology and occupational therapy
List view record 140: Speak, move, play and learn with children on the autism spectrum : activities to boost communication skills, sensory integration and coordination using simple ideas from speech and language pathology and occupational therapy
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